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#Textiles #regulation

EURATEX, the European Apparel and Textile Confederation, welcomes the EU-US trade negotiations on industrial goods. EURATEX represents the entire value chain of the European Textile and Clothing sector, from yarns to ready-made garments’ producers. EURATEX’ member federations represent in the […]

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Where Graph Technology & Supply Chain Transparency Meet Corporate Social Responsibility Supply chains have undergone a significant transformation in the last century. In the past, limited technology meant we were limited to producing goods with locally-sourced materials and labor. Today, […]

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@goblu #newsletter #sustainability #globalimpact

Week 16.1 – The fashion sustainability week in review THIS ISSUE Brands in this issue include: H&M (working with Hong Kong university exploring sustainable design), Nike (NYU students urge reevaluation of ties), REI (commits to expansion of resale and rentals), […]

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#chemicalmanagement #substances #globalimpact

« On voit des eczémas phénoménaux ! » : ces risques auxquels expose la mode des cosmétiques « faits maison » MISE AU POINT – Moins chers et plus naturels, les produits cosmétiques à fabriquer soi-même ont la cote. Mais sont-ils pour autant moins […]

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#designthinking #businessmodel #globalimpact

Eco-TLC soutient sept projets de recherche textile par Matthieu Guinebault 18 avril 2019 L’éco-organisme dédié au textile, à la l’habillement et la chaussure Eco TLC annonce avoir retenu sept projets de recherche et développement sur les 29 issus d’un appel […]

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#sustainability #biodegradable #plastic #continuousimprovement #globalimpact

How biodegradable is biodegradable plastic? 30 April 2019 Researchers from the University of Plymouth examined the degradation of five plastic bag materials widely available from high street retailers in the UK in natural environments, none of which fully disappeared. Plastic […]

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#circulareconomy #shiftingaconomy #resilience #globalimpact #businessmodel

Emmanuel Mossay – Shifting Economy 16/04/2019 Nous repartons en Belgique cette semaine à la rencontre d’Emmanuel Mossay. Emmanuel est à la fois auteur, conférencier et consultant. Comme il l’explique lui-même, il a d’abord évolué une quinzaine d’années dans l’économie qu’il […]

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#CSR #RSE #Globalimpact #continuousimprovement #businessmodel

La RSE va-t-elle définir le futur de l’industrie textile habillement ? Annie Khatchikian La Commission européenne a défini en 2011 la Responsabilité Sociétale des Entreprises (RSE) comme « la responsabilité des entreprises vis-à-vis des effets qu’elles exercent sur la société […]

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#circulareconomy2.0 #globalimpact #continuousimprovement

The Nordic Market for Circular Economy 2019 (Interview) Published on April 5, 2019 Alexandre Lemille Interview published first on SB Insight report « The Nordic Market for Circular Economy 2019 » on 20th March 2019Cover page of the report: « The Nordic Market […]

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15 – 16 May 2019    Copenhagen Fashion Summit Since its first edition in 2009, Copenhagen Fashion Summit has established itself as the world’s leading business event on sustainability in fashion. Convening major fashion industry decision makers, the multi-stakeholder event has […]

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