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Article par : sophie

#recycling #continuousimprovement #thinkglobalactlocal #resources

Matthieu Guinebault Publié le 25 févr. 2021 Recyclage textile: la Suède lance le premier outil de tri automatisé Les groupes industriels Tomra et Stradler ont officialisé il y a quelques jours le lancement à Malmö, en Suède, de la première […]

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Le Village by CA Paris 10 avr. 2020 Que met-on derrière le mot impact lorsque l’on parle de « Start-up à impact », ou de « fonds d’investissement à impact » ? Comment le chiffre-t-on ? quelle valeur financière a-t-il? Pour répondre à toutes […]

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📖 Developing a corporate biodiversity strategy: A primer for the fashion sector

30 January 2020 – Nature is declining at a rate unprecedented in human history, with one million species now threatened with extinction. This degradation of nature affects society as a whole, including businesses that rely on natural resources, like the […]

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Partnership to Strengthen Labor and Human Rights Sustainability Ratings

Ulula and EcoVadis partner to embed direct worker feedback into sustainability ratings to strengthen workplace labor and human rights in global supply chains https://ulula.com/ulula-and-ecovadis-partner-to-embed-direct-worker-feedback-into-sustainability-ratings-to-strengthen-workplace-labor-and-human-rights-in-global-supply-chains/

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#recycled #leather #qualitymanagement #globalimpact #riskmanagement #financialissues #resources

This document is the result of recent developments by the textiles and fashion industry to create a material standard for leather, similar to those that exist for down and wool. Experience shows that at the rate that certified virgin material […]

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#fashion #sustainability #globalimpact #financialissues #resources #traceability #riskmanagement

Why • The global fashion industry is one of the largest, most dynamic and influential industries on the planet, generating over EUR 1.5 trillion a year in revenues1. It is one of the most impactful and therefore should also have […]

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📖 DISRUPTING LUXURY:Creating Resilient Businesses in Times of Rapid Change

Disruption is becoming increasingly omnipresent as companies face a time of unprecedented change. Environmental risks, technological advancements, rising social inequalities—these are massive issues that companies in all industries are facing currently, and they have specific implications for the luxury sector. […]

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#continuousimprovement #textile #innovation #globalimpact

WAKEFIELD – To kick-off our new ‘Big Closets, Small Planet’ podcast series, host Michael Schragger of the Sustainable Fashion Academy sits down with Greg Stillman of the Plug and Play Tech Center and Rogier van Mazijk of Fashion for Good […]

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#cotton #continuousimprovement #traceability #globalimpact

Tackling fashion’s cotton conundrum 30 April 2019 By Emily Sutherland Soft and breathable, cotton is one of shoppers’ favourite fabrics. But it is a labour-intensive crop that takes a toil on its environment and the people who grow it. Drapers […]

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