OCDE Due Diligence Guidance


Session : Traceability for due diligence
Room CC1 _ 13:30 —15:00
While traceability—the process by which companies track materials and products and the conditions in which they were
produced through the supply chain—is not an end in of itself, it is an important step in carrying-out due diligence on risks found upstream in a company’s supply chain. This session will provide a technical deep-dive on traceability including: what data should be collected in order to meet due diligence expectations, methodologies for collecting information, barriers to traceability and the role of various actors in the supply chain in facilitating traceability. This session will draw on cross-sector learnings


The OECD has developed Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains in the Garment and Footwear Sector to support a common understanding of supply chain due diligence in-line with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Developed through a multi-stakeholder process with extensive input from government, business, trade unions and civil society, the Guidance will be released on 8-9 February 2017.
